Concierge Care with Dr. Yeganeh
- Same day appointments
- Longer appointment times
- Access to a board certified doctor
- Personalized care
- Robust health plans
- Evidence-based medicine
Take Back Your Health
Healthy Conditions is a lifestyle medicine healthcare clinic designed to help you take charge of your health. We help you optimize your health and reduce risk for chronic diseases. We work together to inspire and empower you to increase your vitality and live a more joyful life. Hablamos Español.
Individualized Healthcare
Evidence-Based Medicine
Our Care
Dr. Yeganeh is triple board certified in Family Medicine, Obesity Medicine, and Lifestyle Medicine. He is dedicated to providing exceptional care for his patients that encompasses the entire well-being of the person, and is passionate about sharing his knowledge and genuinely improving the lives of his patients.
Schedule a free ten minute session to get to know Dr. Yeganeh.