
Why does what we do at Healthy Conditions work?

It’s simple. It works because we focus on the member as a whole; rather than just treating symptoms. When we offer an evidence-based, holistic approach to health, we’re giving you a prescription to a healthier you. Furthermore, we combine our expertise in family medicine, lifestyle medicine, and obesity medicine to create an individualized health plan for you.

The very definition of lifestyle medicine explains why it works:

Lifestyle medicine is an evidence-based approach to preventing, treating, and reversing diseases by replacing unhealthy behaviors with positive ones.

Our clinic offers:


Health-focused vs. disease-focused healthcare

We focus on the underlying causes of your poor health rather than simply treating the symptoms. When we understand why the disease is occurring, we can begin to treat those issues. That can not only treat the problem and prevent it from worsening, but it can also reverse it in some cases.


Adequate time for every visit

Too often, medical appointments are rushed and impersonal. They don’t allow sufficient time to discuss underlying issues attributed to our poor health. We take the time to listen and learn and never rush our members.


Limited member panel

We limit our member panel size much like a concierge practice, which allows us to provide an exclusive experience for each member and ensure that quality of care is never sacrificed.


Treat the root cause of disease

Modern medicine focuses on treating the symptoms rather than determining the root cause of the issue. If we can determine what caused the issue in the first place, we can prevent it.


Whole-person, individualized care

You are more than your symptoms. We look at all aspects of your life since these things affect your health. This way we can work together to identify how best to optimize your health in a way that makes sense. What works for one person will not necessarily work for the next. No one-size fits all medicine here, we honor your individuality.


Empowering care

We are partners in your health journey, but you are the leader. We’ll help empower you to take back your health.


Evidence-based medicine

We promise there are no tricks or gimmicks to what we do. We treat members using evidence-based care and medical knowledge. Through education and understanding, you can help transform your health.


Specialized medicine

We use the most up-to-date clinical evidence to provide specialized medicine and treatment for every member we see.